Posted by on Jan 1, 2012 in Soft Cubism | 0 comments

16 Soft Cubism 1979

Modern Marlene

 This version of the Modern Marlene, part of the Soft Cubism campaign, was by Fernando Romero,
then President of Vidal Sassoon Salons USA.

The asymmetric symmetric straight soft bob with more volume on one side and new cut-in
waves, is graduated with diffused edges and has versatile bi-level asymmetric fringes.
The length of the bob at both sides is symmetric.

Hair : Fernando Romero, Vidal Sassoon President, 1979
Wave Dress:   Ken Hanneman

Concept/Produced by Helen Oppenheim

(I do not have  makeup, model or photo credits but if anyone wants to provide them I will add them immediately.)

Fernando and I worked on this hair in the VIP room of the Vidal Sassoon Beverly Hills Salon
and he laughed: “I broke all the rules!”

We started photographing at around 4 pm, after a superb catered lunch (!)
We ran out of film at about midnight  for the video of the photo session, which went on to 4.30 am!
Fernando drove me back to my hotel in his jeep, which had no doors, he enjoyed taking
the corners fast but I pretended I wasn’t scared out of my wits, which I was!

Fernando used to go to Japan a lot in those days on Vidal Sassoon business.  On returning
after one visit, he told me this hairstyle (or maybe it was the side view version I can’t locate)
was on a whole building, big, the whole block big.  Sadly, I don’t have a photo.


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