Helen Oppenheim

Helen Oppenheim

Helen Oppenheim
is considered a hair historian and guru.  She has a proven track record for spotting and making trends long before they make news.  She was in-house Creative Concept and Public Relations Director for Vidal Sassoon Salons USA and Canada (1979-1981) and for La Coupe Salons USA and Canada, on and off for 14 years over 30 years, ending in 2003.

For a Public Relations Director to be involved in helping to create the actual hairstyles was very unusual, especially for a non-hairdresser.

As “Ambassadress” for The John Sahag Workshop, which she launched in 1985/86, then returned to in 2004 for three years, she handled Public Relations, organized education programs, supervised Wednesday evening Creative Evenings, and much more for this hairdresser icon.

This led to taking her own photographs, after years of art directing zillions of them, and she has photographed backstage at the New York Fashion Weeks for a decade, photos published in Barcelona’s Peluquerias Magazine, with circulation in many countries – for which she was US Correspondent from 1982-2022.

Throughout her career, Helen Oppenheim has worked behind the scenes, and as a freelance beauty journalist for many international magazines as well as prestigious US ones, also as creative consultant and trend visionary for major corporations and small salons.  In 1986, during her beauty trend forecasting period, she produced the hour-long international H.O.T. Video Magazine which inspired hairdressers across the world.

Helen Oppenheim was born in London, England. Brought up and wed in London. Lived in Montreal, Canada for a few years, in NYC many years. Loved Montreal, although too cold, and loves NYC.  All have influenced her, along with art, movies, everything.

Judging duties include Global Salon Business Awards in 2008, The Winners for North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) in 2015 through 2019.

Her motto has always been: “If you can’t do it really well, whatever it may be, then don’t do it.”  She is proud to say she has never compromised on this. Whether working for nothing or a lot,  she always gives over 100% to everything she does and has always felt it’s not worth doing unless it can be extraordinary in some way.

All the above, and much more, has resulted in rooms full of hair photos and priceless background documentation for the creative process, a Helen Oppenheim Hair Library and resource, much of which is available online in the Helen Oppenheim Hair Fashion Photo Archives.



  1. Jun 25, 2022

    Hey Helen, how about a retrospective on hair from the sixties?

  2. Jul 26, 2014

    What an inspiring collection of information and photographs! Soft Cubism are some of my favorite images. Thank you Helen, from a young hairstylist, for making this available to the world, and for your work.

    • Jul 26, 2014

      Laura, good to know I am inspiring, especially a young hairstylist. Yes, Soft Cubism is very special, pleased you like.

  3. Nov 16, 2013

    I spent 2 hours on your website last night and then realized I forgot to cook dinner! After my family was fed I came right back to it and looked at every picture. Thank you for giving so much inspiration to our industry!

    • Nov 16, 2013

      Oh, Detra. What a compliment! Forgot to cook dinner. Every photo on the Blog, the Facebook Biz Buzz – there are almost 3,000
      on the website so I assume you didn’t mean those?!! Thank you …

  4. Jun 17, 2013

    Listen Up , Helen Oppenheim’s Website is an Award winning, spectacular Page turner. If you want to learn the history of The Beauty Industry this is your best bet, No Competition !!!!!!

  5. Nov 10, 2012

    I love your passion. it shows through your website which is full of magic moments that would have been lost forever if not for your sharp eye and creative mind. You have said if you cant do it right, dont do it and you practice what you preach. Your website is an inspiration. I can see the months you have put into it and the love you have for your work. Every pic just right. The personal notes and opinions you write about reflect an honest and open book into the world of Helen Oppenheim and the hair fashion industry would not be what it has become without your artistic documentation as it developed. I thank you for spending your life keeping us all informed and motivated and honest not only about what we do but if it was any good. It’s sometimes hard to be honest about the result of ones work and you were and are so honest about pics and events that your feedback always inspires one to do better or feel great about the final result of ones work. I so love your site and thank you for all you do. Kind regards jon english

    • Nov 10, 2012

      Jon, What wonderful words. And I don’t even know you! They make all the 14 hour days and angst working on the website worth while. It took over a year, by the way,and not finished yet. Thank you.

  6. Oct 28, 2012

    She is me! Yes, amazing i am still around… Thank you for love and respect.

  7. Oct 28, 2012

    Amazing to know that she is around and I want to see all of what you have to offer!!! Thank you so much for all that you have done and inspiration!!!!! Love and respect Lois

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