Angelo Seminara is a rare talent, using color and styling in breathtaking totally new ways. He unites the natural world with modernist design and a futuristic vision creating a blend of innovative color some with intricate structure in his 2011 Wonderland Collection. Here is one of five photos from the collection, some wearable, some avant-garde, all inspirational. He was inspired by the vibrant, exotic shapes and colors found in nature. Angelo Seminara. for those not familiar with him, was born in the rural village of Calabria, trained in Rome, became famous and is based in London, and is now Artistic Director for Davines of Italy. For more on this extraordinary hair artist, go to WorldGreats on
Hair: Angelo Seminara … Color Concept Angelo Seminar assisted by Eduardo Paludo …Makeup: Laura Dominique … Fashion Styling: Georgie Macintyre … Photo: Andrew O’Toole
He is a true original, doing what others have not done. Thanks Lori.
Angelo’s work in this photo is simply amazing. What a work of Art.
LOVE Angelo Seminara’s work. Simply amazing.
Yes, he is. One of a kind. Unique work. Thanks.