Anne Vyalitsyna, known as Anne V, Russian born model/actress, 10 years in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and ongoing. At 16 she was the face in Chanel’s Chance perfume ads. And from then has worked for all the majors of everything.
When she was just 15 years old, I photographed her backstage at the J. Lindberg NY Fashion Week show, with this amazing wide hair by Edward Tricomi, Warren Tricomi Salon, NY. I remember, I wanted to photo no one else, I waited and waited, and caught her for a brief second just after her nails were done and not dry for this photo.
Hair: Edward Tricomi, Warren-Tricomi, NY … Model: Anne V … Photo: © Helen Oppenheim
(One day, I will scan years of Fashion Week Photos which I have on film, as this was.)