Photos: Helen Oppenheim. Collage helenoppenheim.com
The Fall issue of Elysian Magazine, a handsome, beautifully produced women’s lifestyle magazine published quarterly about Women Inspiring Women, fashion, art, culture and more, was launched last night at the National Arts Club. Publisher, Karen Floyd (business woman, former Prosecutor and Judge, CEO of Paladium Group) hosted the elegant event where everyone was asked to wear black and gold, not that everyone took note. (I did!! Right down to my gold eyeshadow, jewelry, watch – and I’m a silver woman!) Never mind, everyone looked elegant! The cover featured Dr. Christina Rahm, who provides solutions to the world that help people, animals and the environment. Here are just a few photos. Larger and more to come on social media.
Top Row, L-R : Dr. Christina Rahm, cover women … Karen Floyd, Publisher Elysian Magazine with Brigitte Segura (fashiondailymag) … Me (Photo Fred J. DeVito) … Fred J. DeVito in a gold sequin jacket.
2nd Row : Luciana Pampalone in gold crown … Carolyn Schoepf
Bottom Row : Bright Young Things … Influencer David Perry with blue beard and brows … Dawson, who gilded his jacket himself … an elegant jumpsuit.