Great photos by Paul Morejón taken at Harry & Nancy’s fab Fashion Reunion held on January 12, 2015 at Café Un Deux Trois. Such fun. A night to remember. And look at the magical photo of me, top right …
Shown here, Nancy C. Donahue with Harry King, Harry King WorldGreat (see his work on this website), Helen with Nancy, Helen with Roberto Ligresti (center bottom) and with Laurie Schechter, Benjamin Pasteur, Harry King, to the right. For more photos and fun, click
Photos: © Paul Morejón, Paul Morejón Photography
Hi Sweetie Helen
Nice to meet you that night.
Everybody have nice smiles and positive attitude.
I love the Party.
Thank you again.
Yes, Gin, everyone was great and had a good attitude.
I loved the party too.
Thanks for Comment, and for the Sweetie!