Photos Helen Oppenheim. Collage helenoppenheim.com
My Homage to Vivienne Westwood who passed away today, at age 81. Not the best photo, I caught her as she was arriving for the Anglo Mania Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2006. Here’s some provocative work by British fashion designer who brought us punk at the exhibition, perhaps my favorite Costume Exhibition at the Met Museum of all time.
Top to right of the designer extraordinaire is the Vivienne Westwood Room … then the Johnny Rotten designed jacket, made by Vivienne Westwood with a Union Jack mohawk by Julien d’Ys. Bottom, late ’90s dress worn with a high red wig next to the painting “Portrait of a Noblewoman” late 18th century, similar to Good Queen Bess, Elizabeth 1 … Westwood’s “Queen” mini-crini. For more amazement from the exhibition, CLICK HERE