Posted by on Jan 20, 2020 in Helen's Blog | 14 comments

Kasie Hunt MSNBC Hair Then & Now - 2020

Photos MSNBC

Dear Kasie Hunt: I have always been a fan of yours. Love your energy and everything you do. But but BUT I can hardly bear to look at you now. What the heck have you done to your hair since becoming a Mom? OMG. You used to look so special. Stylish too. And just a year ago.  You stood out. Now, well, um, you look Mumsy, dowdy, old fashioned. And just like every one else. But not as good as some on your network with long hair,   Please forget the dreary long hair, not, sorry to say, done so well. Your hairdresser should have a big bonk on the head, Don’t listen to people telling you to conform, to look like this.   How about going back to your old hairdresser and look? Not only easier to maintain, surely, but also more flattering.
Kasie Hunt is a MSNBC –TV Political Correspondent covering Capital Hill and Congress, and is host to KasieDC which airs on Sundays 7 – 9 pm.


  1. May 12, 2021

    You know, I watch Kassie a few times each week, as I’ve always appreciated her opinion, but her look has gone downhill. She should start with figuring out her part line. Right now it’s in a strange place and not flattering.

  2. Feb 23, 2021

    Well, keeping up with short haircuts is a bit of a challenge with a
    fairly new baby and Covid 19 going on, but … I definitely liked her short hair more than the long hair.

    • Mar 2, 2021

      Not sure I agree, Mary, depends on what short haircut. There is nothing easier than a one length short bob, even if with a few long layers. Kasie certainly looked better with her short hair in these photos. She has improved her long hair since I posted here and I must post again when I get the chance. Thank you for your Comment.

  3. Feb 22, 2021

    I’m sure she would absolutely love the fact that she is being judged by her fracking hairstyle and not her journalistic skills and professionalism………how shockingly handsome you must all be!!! Lol………………..

    • Feb 22, 2021

      I said I am a fan, and I am. And I gave her program details. I note she has since improved her hair and look ! Thanks for posting !

    • Mar 2, 2021

      Barclaybass, I do say how much I admire Kasie and made sure to give
      the times of her appearances on MSNBC at the time. Thanks for Commenting, even if
      rather cynical !

  4. Apr 19, 2020

    I’m an older guy and have admired and respected her for years both for her intelligence and attractiveness. I was shocked and disappointed to see her with her new long hair. Before the cut she looked so different, her hair style was perfect for her face and personality. As has been said, she now looks like the rest and I feel has lost the edge she had over the other female TV news personalities.

    • Apr 20, 2020

      Have to agree with you. Her hair is now even longer and looks less and less as great as it was. Thanks for posting, Gerry.

  5. Apr 16, 2020

    Love love love Kasie’s long, silky hair. Definitely a sexier, more feminine look!

    • Apr 20, 2020

      Have to agree to disagree with you, Hondo. Thanks for posting.

  6. Apr 9, 2020

    At least it doesn’t cover one eye, à la today’s Jessica Rabbit look. Why are serious women all shrouded in a tent of sexy come-hither hair! Whence the pressure on smart, powerful women to look super-feminine, to have to toss their long flowing tresses out of their eyes every few minutes or spray it all into a stiff mass, and tilt their heads to see, so they look like shy, inquisitive children? Sexy hair, sexy clothes… this makes such women less threatening to men, and attracts their attention. I think it’s part of a backlash against women’s progress as important public people. Just us gals here, lookin’ pretty for you, same as before when we were just keeping house for you, don’t take us too seriously even if we’re saying serious things.

    • Apr 9, 2020

      Well said. I think it is the men in charge at the Networks who want their women to have long hair, thinking, like so many men, that it is sexier. Which, as we all know, is not necessarily so. Think Marilyn Monroe for one.

      I should add a little note that Kasie must have changed her hairdresser because her hair does look better as of April 2020. But but but it is still long and she still looks like everyone else. And I think she looked sexier before!

  7. Apr 6, 2020

    Funny, I have the opposite reaction. I thought her short hair was rather boring. Made her look plain. The long hair is a refreshing change. It frames her face well. And she has great hair, I was glad she started to show it off.

    • Apr 6, 2020

      I thought she looked more distinctive before. Now, she looks like everyone else. We each have our opinions. Thank you for posting.

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