Linda Morand, American “Super Chick” supermodel of the ’60s and ’70s is now a fashion archivist with websites and Facebooks inspiring all with supermodels from the 50s thru 70s.
She worked with the best for the best of everything. for everyone, everywhere. Here’s some photos of her through the years.
Top left to right: 1972 geometric Vidal Sassoon cut by Christopher Brooker … Mademoiselle cover photo Gosta Peterson, 1966 … Hairdo & Beauty cover 1966 … Pink beret photo, hair by John Sahag, photo Hans Feurer for Vogue Paris, artistic rendition by Beska Sorenson … this Jackie Kennedy take-off with pillbox was for a book – hair, makeup photo by Devon Cass …Center row left to right: Another Vidal Sassoon photo … Two Facebook Icon photos: gamine, Gunnar Larsen photo (detail) 1966 (Paper Doll 2010) … blonde hair Cutler, photo Stephen Schlesinger … Blonde rendition by Beska Sorenson, photo by jack Ward … Beret photo (detail), hair John Sahag , Hans Feurer, Vogue, 1974 .…from a 1974 Helmut Newton ten-page controversial spread for Vogue Paris featuring Morand as Jacqueline Kennedy, hair by Jean Marc Maniatis … Bottom left to right: Linda Morand comp showing the ’60s supermodel in action … 1968, photo Gunnar Larsen, hair Alexandre … Mademoiselle … 1966, Photo Gosta Petersen, Hair Sassoon, and Linda today, by David Frank Ray.
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Thanks for thanks, Linda. As one archivist to another, you were a pleasure to work with. And it is an honor for me too. Love the “Paper crumbles but pixels never die” quote!!
Thank you so much for including me in your blog. It is an honor to be among these talented people, some with whom I was acquainted and had some working relationships. What a trip to have witnessed some of these great artists as they created. As an archivist, I appreciate what you are doing to preserve an accurate and articulate archive of the great beauty artists of all time. I believe once something is documented on the Internet it will indeed live on. “Paper crumbles but pixels never die.”