This is Mimi Leazer, 3 years old, in action at her Grandfather’s salon. She is actually buzzing Grandpa’s hair, something she couldn’t wait to do most Mondays. Mimi loved to “color” hair – called her Grandpa at 7.30 am one morning to confirm her day at the Daniel Rizzardi Salon in Charlotte, N.C. (It’s not real color!) The tiny tot loved to style, worked 4 hours on a wig-heads one day, learned to braid and also gave advice, telling people how their hair would look best. Sadly, her Grandfather passed away, the salon continues under her Aunt, but Mimi may or may not now be a Hairdresser of the Future to watch. She’s still into hair but also into acting and dancing and singing. More Mimi, click HERE
Photos: Jeff & Mandi Leazer