Posted by on Jun 14, 2015 in Helen's Blog | 2 comments

My Personal Tribute to John Sahag -1952 – 2005

Photos + Collage: © Helen Oppenheim

Dear John:
This is my own personal tribute to you, today, June 15, 2015, the 10th Anniversary since you left this world, far too soon.  But you did live life the way you wanted to live it and left a legacy like no other.   You are now a cult, a legend, an icon, becoming more so each day. When I did the PR launch for your first Sahag Workshop in 1985, you told me that “People are afraid of being humble. I think that to be humble is a grand quality, and I mean that with sincerity.” But I also know you were not without ego (!) so I hope you are smiling and proud up there at the loving tributes so many of us are now paying you down here.

This is how I want to remember you. Beaming with happiness at a 1996 Wednesday night Creative Evening with your “kids.” You were very happy that night. You were always totally unique and copied no one. Being tomorrow’s man, your awe-inspiring always harmonious work was way ahead it’s time, and will live forever by those who know how innovative and great it was. And is.  There will be no one like you. Ever.
Love ~Helen 


  1. Jun 17, 2015

    I think so too. The collage took a while and I love it, so pleased you do, too. Thanks.

  2. Jun 17, 2015

    Lovely photo Helen! Great collage.

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