The 2018 NAHA Finalist Announcement is today, April 29. It will take place in Chicago, at the ABS show. Live at 4.45 pm CDT. Lot of excitement in the North American hair world today. I helped judge the North American Hairstylists Awards for PBA again this year. For the third time. Choosing the Finalists was not easy. Most times, there was not much to choose between the five selected. Often, an entry included two good and one not good at all. Sometimes, one amazing photo and two not good. All three or five entered in a category were not always great. Some were in need of a good ruthless crop. But some did get it and entered some amazing work – cohesive, creative, technically interesting as required, and newsworthy. Those got my highest marks. If everything was great too – the photography, the lighting, the model, the model’s expression and the pose. However, I have noted my top choices do not always win! Winners will be announced July 29th, in Las Vegas. Stay tuned …