Antonio da Costa Rocha, La Coupe’s Chic Chignon King, placed this tiny whirled naughty knottie to rise from a diamond shaped parting on top of the head, while a shiny healthy long bob swung in space.
Hair: Antonio da Costa Rocha, La Coupe (with Gloria Waugh) … Makeup: Tuvia (aka Ted Nadel)… Mldel: Natasha Dooh … Photo: Tseng Kwong Chi (aka Joseph Tseng) … Produced by Helen Oppenheim
Anecdote: Tseng Kwong Chi (1950-1990) known as Joseph Tseng in 1978, before he became famous photographed two styles for La Coupe in Montreal – go to HairThen, La Coupe, MishMash on and with this link check his famous photos for auction –