Posted by on Dec 7, 2014 in Helen's Blog | 2 comments

NEWS.  Proctor & Gamble Explores Wella Sale – 2014

From Freya’s Feed on Reuters

News.   Freya Berry is reporting on her Freya’s Feed for London’s Reuters – “Exclusive: P&G exploring sale of $7 billion Wella hair care unit – sources.”  For details of this interesting development, read above.


  1. Dec 8, 2014

    I would love to have the chance to recreate the professional Magic that Wella once had and, in certain colors bleaches etc., still has. The retail has been milked or P&G wouldn’t be selling it. Even the early Wella Brand Made sense. But without the manufacturing and knowing where and what was being done with that and for that and then having to absorb P&G Inventory which we know is not the same as Wella was….. It would have to be at a great enough discount and then close out the existing inventory while we were recreating the line..

    Knowing just a little about The P&G sell off of almost 80 brands to focus on ones they have, and build like Panteen. Many have been and are for sale. I would love to cherry pick some or be in possition to buy many (cheaply )break them apart and sell them all except the ones I keep…. P&G would take 2 years and in the end turn down the deals…

    I also Understand That VS is for sale so Wella VS sounds liike a great Idea. If Paul Finklestein was still at Regis … for Regis..

    WOW Daryll Parmentor Where are you when I need you or Marty Wiegod for that Matter ??????? Love the opportunities if done right.

    • Dec 8, 2014

      Joe. Very interesting. I haven’t worked out what is happening with Wella for some time. They had been sending me press releases for about two decades, or more, and now I don’t get one! Nor do I get invited to cover their Fashion Week shows for Peluquerias and my website/blog, or even receive a thank you when I credit them for this or that anyway. Sigh. I hope things will improve one day in all areas …

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