Anna Pacitto Fun Hair IntercoiffureAC – 2022

Photos Helen Oppenheim. Collage
Anna Pacitto wowed with fun hair onstage at the IntercoiffureAC 2022 Fall Atelier. The Collection was called Quantum Love. She told her audience she was thinking outside the box, “out of the box all the way.” And she didn’t disappoint as she inspired with hair we don’t usually see all over Instagram or onstage at hair events in Amerca! One idea after another from cuts (cutting short hair to longer) to extensions (including long rasta looks and pieces encased in epoxy) – the kind of hair she and her staff must have burned the midnight oil to produce for this knock-out show of pure creativity. Take this short look with furls of resin and hair undulating down both sides of the face, and body, which she worked on with Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare, artist extradordinaire, and headpiece/wig creator, whose past includes hair for Cirque du Soleil Events.
Anna is the Artist Director of Davines US, Artistic Director for Intercoiffure America Canada, co-owner of Salon Pure in Montreal. Stay tuned for more Anna to come, archived in an album on this website (ThisThat/ShowTime) and check my Instagram for videos and more (@HelenOppenheim)
Hair: Anna Pacitto (@anna_pacitto_puremtl) with Isabelle Lachance and Stéphane Scotto Di Cesare on stage for Davines (@davinesofficial) at IntercoiffureAC (@intercoiffureac)
(Team Salon Pure Montreal: (Color) M.J. Medeiros, Nik Morel, Cynthia Vielledent, Roch Lemay …
Makeup: Ekkaterina Ulyanoff & Alexandra Deslauriers …Fashion Stylist: Florence Durand … Designer: Maria Destito …Model: Montage
Photos: Helen Oppenheim
Anna Pacitto Inspo @ Intercoiffure AC- 2019
One of Anna Pacitto’s models from her Press Lunch Intercoiffure AC Show during the Fall Atelier 2019. Anna is the current ICA Artistic Director and she gave plenty of inspo with the hair, the fashions, the onstage special effects (see next post) and the makeup. Credits pending! To see more from this spectacular show, titled “Magnetism” CLICK HERE
Hair/Concept: Anna Pacitto, Artistic Director Intercoiffure AC + Davines Artist, Salon Pure, Montreal … Hair Products: Davines … Makeup: Alexandre Deslauriers … Fashion Styling: Florence O Durand, Claudia Capello, Evelyn Effrim-Botchey … Photo: Helen Oppenheim
CommentSpectacular Finale @ Intercoiffure AC – 2019
The finale of the Anna Pacitto Intercoiffure AC Fall Atelier 2019 Show was nothing short of spectacular. All the models wore white dresses which acted as a canvas for some exciting lighting effects projected on to the fashions. For the Anna Pacitto hair, CLICK HERE For and for a short glimpse of a video on my Instagram page showing more brilliance, CLICK HERE
Hair: Anna Pacitto, Salon Pure, Montreal, ICA Artistic Diector, for Davines … Photos: Courtesy Intercoiffure AC
CommentReBirth Short Hair, With Long – 2018
ReBirth, short hair returns but with long hair, as shown i n this backstage photo taken at the recent Intercoiffure America Canada Atelier in New York City. This look, one of many, was by Anna Pacitto, Davines Artistic Director and the new Intercoiffure AC Artistic Director. The hair was cut short on top with asymmetric bangs and longer lengths flowing down the back. More from the latest Intercoiffure Shows on the last two folders, on the page, CLICK HERE
Hair: Anna Pacitto, Davines for Intercoiffure AC … Hair Color: Roch Lemay & Isabelle Lachance
Photo: Helen Oppenheim