Art Deco Eton Crop Flirty Kiss Curls – 1974

Photos: Lorraine Sylvestre
These two photos are now hair history, from the famous La Coupe’s Art Deco Collection. With hair by Kim Lepine, they feature an Eton Crop, a flirty kiss curl, a forehead bandeau a la 20s and, with the other inspirational Art Deco photos in the Collection, put La Coupe on the world map. The model was Bijette who just friended me on Facebook. In 2022. Considering I haven’t seen her since 1974, this is pretty amazing. Here, Bijette these photos are for you. To see more of the iconic Art Deco Collection, CLICK HERE
Hair: Kim Lepine, La Coupe, Montreal/New York, 1974 … Makeup: Electa, Electa & Corrado … Deco Dress: Anne Klein … Long Black Kid Gloves: Iona Monohan Collection … Model: Bijette … Deco Mirror Art: Erik Neil Weiss for La Coupe … Photos: Lorraine Sylvestre. … Concept/Fashion Styling/Produced by Helen Oppenheim
CommentArt Deco Hair Inspiration – 1974
Hair History, In 1974, the Art Deco Collection put La Coupe Salons on the map all over the world. Almost overnight. The most successful collection La Coupe probably ever did included not just the Deco Cuts and Styles but also a colorific “Shine-On” highlighting color idea which made almost every major magazine in New York, including a full page in Harper’s Bazaar. The Deco Cut here, by Charles Booth, featured cut- in waves with many angles, very accentuated, all fitting in, with the front the same length on one side, 1/4″ on the other and a very square back. For 23 photos with more versions and more Deco styles CLICK HERE
Hair: Charles Booth, La Coupe Montreal/NY … Makeup : Electa, Electa & Corrado … Long Black Leather Gloves: Iona Monohan Collection … Dress: Anne Klein … Deco T: Tania Vartan for Ruby-T … Model: Danielle … Mirror Graphic: Eric Neil Weiss … Photos: Serge Beauchemin.
CommentArt Deco, ’20s Style Hair – 1974
This is the Deco Cut, with a ’20s influence, created in 1974 by Charles Booth, La Coupe Salons. The short cut, all angles, and very complicated was part of the Art Deco Collection which put La Coupe on the map worldwide. “This is The Great Step Forward,” Charles Booth said at the time, “so many angles but it all fit in, going against everything we’ve done before, very accentuated. If you cut a wave into the hairline,” he continued, “it stays.”
La Coupe backed black, jet black, the hair color for the Deco Cuts – great with pale faces. Deco Cat’s Eyes Makeup, by Electa, featured cat’s eyebrows, a brow not seen for a few decades at the time. For full details on the hair, hair color, the makeup, click here
Deco Hair: Charles Booth, La Coupe, NY/Montreal … Deco Makeup: Electa, Electa & Corrado …. Deco Dress: Anne Klein … Long Black Leather Kid Gloves: Iona Monohan Collection … Model: Danielle …. Photo: Serge Beauchemin. Concept/Fashion Styling/Produced by Helen Oppenheim
Shine-On Hair Color Lights – 1974

Photos: Serge Beauchemin (left) and Lorrain Sylvestre (right) … Illustrations: Tom Huffman … Collage by
Shine-On Hair Color Lights was an idea included in the 1974 iconic La Coupe Art Deco Collection. My idea, which the salon talents interpreted brilliantly, was that color would be applied just where the light hits on straight hair.
The color could be any highlight tone or, as here, more daring colors of blue, burgundy or gold on dark hair. Very daring in 1974. This idea got tons of press in all the major consumer magazines at the time and Shine-On, a name I invented, was later used by a major color company! For more, much more, how-to’s, click here:
Credits: Top, and color detail center from NY Sunday News Magazine 2 page spread … left gold shine-on, and center bottom, burgundy shine-on, photos by Serge Beauchemin. Photo right, blue shine-on, photo by Lorraine Sylvestre, all hair by Charles Booth, La Coupe. Concept/Produced by Helen Oppenheim.