Photos on Helen’s Blog – April 19-May 17, 2014
Check out the photos on Helen’s Blog from April 19th to May 17, 2014. You will see there are many Toulouse-Lautrec, Belle Epoque, Art Nouveau posts. Scroll down to Page 2 where there’s more to be seen, including the most detailed Toulouse-Lautrec post, and plenty of other interesting photos and stories, plus credits. Scroll right to the end of the Blog, if you want to see all the photos on the Blog, or for collages of them all, click here. If you really want to know your hair history, check the website where are now over 3,000 photos with lots of information and tutorials and more …
CommentPhotos On Helen’s Blog – April 19-May 17, 2014
Check out the photos on Helen’s Blog from April 19th to May 17, 2014. You will see there are many Toulouse-Lautrec, Belle Epoque, Art Nouveau posts. Scroll down to past the first few pages where there’s more to be seen, including the most detailed Toulouse-Lautrec post, and plenty of other interesting photos and stories, plus credits. Scroll right to the end of the Blog, if you want to see all the photos on the Blog, or for collages of them all, click here. If you really want to know your hair history, check the website where are now over 3,000 photos with lots of information and tutorials and more …
CommentToulouse-Lautrec @ MoMA – 1890s
Here are some of Toulouse-Lautrec’s Lithographs coming to the MoMA Museum in NYC, a must-see exhibit from July 26 – March 2, 2015. The bright orange and yellow hair Lautrec painted, everything Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau will be fodder for fashion – and the hair world. Scroll down for more Toulouse-Lautrec blogs. Be inspired. Stay tuned for more …
Top left to right: La Troupe de Mademoiselle Églantine (Mademoiselle Églantine’s Troupe) 1896 … Jane Avril, 1899 … Divan Japonais, 1893. Bottom left to right: Babylone d’Allemagne (German Babylon). 1894 … Confetti, 1894 … Reine de joie (Queen of Joy) 1892.
CommentThe Paris of Toulouse-Lautrec – 1893
The pre-eminent artist of Belle Epoque Paris, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) will be starting a Belle Epoque/Art Nouveau trend with his must-see exhibition at MoMA Museum, NYC, from July 26, 2014-March 1, 2015. Featured, his famous prints and plenty to inspire all in the fashion and hair worlds.
19th century Parisian life – the social salons, the culture of gastronomy (think Maxim’s), ice-skating, horse racing at Longchamps and, of course, the dance halls, the Can-Can, Moulin Rouge, the brothels and prostitutes – all will inspire. As will Lautrec’s muses, Yvette Guilbert, La Goulou, Loie Fuller, Jane Avril and everything Epoque and Art Nouveau. Which includes Gibson girl hairstyles of the era. Often in bright orange or red or yellow. Watch for all to go to the top of the head, fitting in with today’s casual looks.
This Lithograph features Jane Avril, 1893, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, see it a MoMA in July. I have this period really researched. More, much more to come. Don’t forget to check Helen’s Blog over the next months …