Barbie Bubble Pink Hair Trending – 2023

Photos: Helen Oppenheim
Expect to see more bubble pink hair colors inspired by the hit Barbie Movie based on that famous Mattel doll. In fact, expect to see more bubble pink everything.
Left: New Zealand Blogger Anthea Hayley photographed at New York Fashion Week for Spring 2014 with her Evo pinked hair shaded by Carlos Elias (Helmut, Aukland) who re-did her roots 4 weeks after the original pinking which she said “were now fading so the newly-colored roots made for something more interesting than all-over fresh color.” This photo was archived in the Seen on Scene album on my website. It is a particularly interesting album, for more inspo from then still relevant today, CLICK HERE
The back view bubble pink hair with pretty flowers to the right was by Martino Cartier, NewJersey/Hotheads Extensions, photographed on the Main Stage at the International Beauity Show(IBS) in 2015.
Photos: Helen Oppennheim