Downton Abbey 1920s Bob Bandeau – 2016
It started on January 3. At 9 pm. On PBS. The final season of Masterpiece Theatre’s “Downton Abbey.” With inspirational programs before and after the 9 pm event. Catch up if you have missed it. Worth it for the fashions alone.
In later episodes, watch for bobs, bandeaux, browbands, like this beaded version worn by Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley. See “The Downton Times” article in “The New York Sunday Times” today. Check how the Howard Carter discovery of King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922 influenced jewelry, fashion, furniture, film, art – and hair. The Egyptian Bob, inspired by Egyptian art made an appearance, and headbands had an ancient Egyptian look, as worn by flappers of the era, and in one scene in Downton, not shown here. What should catch on will be the headband bandeau, worn this way and that with many hairstyles. Stay tuned …
To see the Official PBS trailer, where to catch up, times in your city, click HERE
CommentDownton Abbey, Bobbed Hair At Last! – 2015
At last! A bobbed haircut has arrived at Downtown Abbey, shown on on PBS-TV last night. Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) went to her hairdresser, top left, and did it. Love all the wonderful waves but it is time for the ’20s to come roaring in and hair fashion to make its statement, along with all the beautiful hair jewelry and hats, some of which are shown here from the ITV hit series which started in the Edwardian era with such amazing meticulously researched and inspirational fashions. So, who is next? Lady Edith. Will she bob? Or, more likely, it will be Lady Rose. Or will someone downstairs take the step? No spoilers please from the UK, who have seen the series. We in America are still on Series 5.
Photos from, tumblr,, itv, pbs-tv, RadioTimes,, Ruckas/Briggs and unknowns
CommentWaves, A Faux Bob, Early ’30s Chic – 2008
Inspired by the early 30s, this pretty, soft, finger-waved faux bob with a modern look was by Paul Labrecque for the Venexiana Spring 2008 New York Fashion Week Show. The lovely makeup was by Taymour for Nars and included a modern smoky eye, iridescent with orchre, and high gloss light apricot lips, For more versions of this gorgeous hair, and how-to’s, click
(This hair is reminiscent of the hair in Downton Abbey, the US Premier of the new season to start on January 4, on PBS)
Hair: Paul Labrecque, Paul Labrecque Salons, NYC … Makeup: Taymour for Nars at Paul Labrecque … Model: Johan/Marilyn … Photo: © Helen Oppenheim
As I marvel at the hair wave statement being made on PBS’s “Downton Abbey” every week– even more wonderful this season – I keep thinking of the Vivienne Mackinder waves from her 2012 Bridal Amour Collection. This waving beauty had her hair Marcel waved, then gathered into a low chignon to create the illusion of a bob. So similar, so beautiful, don’t you think? “Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale,” the WorldGreat said at the time about her modern, fresh bridal designs, many of which are on the website, click here and scroll through.
Hair: Vivienne Mackinder, Fashion Director, Intercoiffure America//Canada … Makeup: David Maderich … Fashion Stylist: David Wadjaja … Photo: Julia Podogina
CommentWaving Beauties – 1974
Do you know your hair history? Looking at all the hair on the BBC’s Downton Abbey wave love fest on PBS every Sunday, I thought these 1974 waves by La Coupe inspired by the movie “Chinatown” maybe of interest. In the days before waving with an iron, waves took a long time to dry and I had this brainwave that one could even go out on the town wearing the decorated wave clamps I had designed – made of feathers, glitter, pearls, whatever. Decades later, I saw decorated wave clamps being sold as hair accessories! For more great waves, click here also see how WWD picked up the trend!
Hair: Kim Lepine, La Coupe, Montreal … Makeup: Electa, Electa & Corrado … Models left: Bonnie Bernier, right: Beverly Abazar … Photos: Serge Beauchemin’s Assistant … Concept/Produced by Helen Oppenheim