Fab Fashionista Brigitte Segura – 2019
New York based Brigitte Sugara is an Influencer. Like no other. She covered at least 12 shows a day during New York Fashion Week S/S 2020 over the last several days, mostly emerging designers, her specialty, and gets thousands of Likes per post on her Instagram pages (@fashiondailymag.com and @brigitte_segura.) She is a taste maker for fashion, beauty, luxury and consults on brand development and more. She is also known for her hair, a big mop of sexy curls, and what she wears when covering the shows, usually with interesting layers added during the day. La Perla fashions on this Fab Fashionista here. More from this day will be archived soon on this website. Stay tuned …
Photo: Helen Oppenheim
CommentJohn Fabulin Nails It Backstage NYFW – 2018
Seen on Scene John Fabulin, Fab Fashionista, with hair rising up to there on top wowing them backstage at the Badgley Mischka New York Fashion Week Show for Fall 2018. The Fashion Designer, Makeup Artist (Loubi), Youtuber @JohnFabulin, who was born and lives in The Big Apple, nailed it backstage during the rehearsal, with the Deborah Lippmann nail design of the show – two coats of Single Ladies, a flirtatious red crème, with a stripe of Dark Side of the Moon, an aubergine crème (@DeborahLippmann) Stay tuned for the show hair by Peter Gray and Fab Fashionistas larger to be archived on this website forever.
Photos: Helen Oppenheim
CommentSeen on Scene, Fab Fashionista Liz Harlan – 2018
Seen on Scene, Fab Fashionista, Liz Harlan, model and performance artist, wearing the biggest huge ear muffs anyone has ever seen at Pier 59 Chelsea after the Laurence and Chico New York Fashion Week Show for Fall 2018. What she is wearing is equally wondrous. The dress with pearls, and a lot more going on, is by Laurence and Chico, who also made the ear muffs and black leather gloves studded with tiny pearls. The bag is by Marc Jacobs, the shoes by Jeffrey Campbell. The pink hair color is by Angie at Shizen Salon, Brooklyn. You will soon be able to see these photos larger, and check out the details, archived forever on the website – and stay tuned for more Fab Fashionistas …
Model: Liz Harlan, State Model Management … Hair: Angie, Shizen Salon, Brooklyn
Photos: Helen Oppenheim
Cool Grey Cornrows Man Bun NYFW – 2018
This is Julian Hernandez from Stockholm, Sweden, very cool with a fade, corn rows, grey extensions added which are twisted into a “man bun” Seen on Scene during NYFW for Spring 2018, relaxing at Chelsea Pier 59. He is a menswear influencer and TV stylist with some impressive clients like YSL Beauty and Nike, and is very active on the internet. @mrjulls. For more Fab Fashionistas, CLICK HERE
Photo: Fred J. DeVito ( fredjdevito.com/streetscene / @fjdv )
Band-Aid Babe Rapper @ NYFW – 2018
Kandi Reign is a rapper, dancer, actress, branding herself in many ways, one of which is by wearing a Band-Aid because she says “It reminds me we are all flawed. You just can’t see our scars … ” The Band-Aid Babe is an Instagram influencer (@iamkandireign) also found on You Tube in action. Here, one eyebrow is slashed, she is wearing pink goggles, pink hair, and showed a lot of energy dancing and prancing outside the backstage entrance of the Academy of Art University New York Fashion Week Show for Spring 2018. Stay tuned for photos and hair by Jon Reyman for Aveda at this show and for more Fab Fashionistas Seen on Scene, CLICK HERE
Photo: Helen Oppenheim
Hair That Rocks, Fab Fashionista NYFW – 2017
Seen on Scene, a Fab Fashionista with tiny unique umbrella bangs, shaved head, cool glasses, punky spiky leather choker/dog collar necklace, captured just as I was getting into my car after a New York Fashion Week Spring 2017 show at the Gallery Skylight, Clarkson Square. I gave her my card, she never sent me her name. She was giving away a beautiful glossy new Industrie magazine, which “Keeps It Simple In A Brave New World.” For more Seen on Scene photos for hair, click HERE
Photo: Helen Oppenheim
CommentDog is Fab Fashionista @ NYFW – 2017
This is Tinkerbelle the dog, a real fashion pro, on the red carpet at the Francesca Liberatore New York Fashion Week Show for Spring 2017 at Skylight, Moynihan Station (Stay tuned for photos from this show.) This rescue pup can be booked, and has a website, an Instagram (@tinkerbellethedog ), a Facebook page and an impressive Google. Tinkerbelle is a star. Two new Fab Fashionistas Seen on Scene albums are just up on website. This from the fashion album. To go right there, click HERE
Photo: Helen Oppenheim
Cool Kid Backstage @ #NYFW Spring – 2016
Seen on Scene at #NYFW backstage at the #AAU show for Spring 2016, this cool kid with his Ploosh silver elephant bag. His name is Chunyu Liang and he is the kid brother of Liang Chunyan aka, yanyaista, fashion blogger, stylist, photographer who wrote that he liked his photo. For more Fab Fashionistas, click and scroll along HERE
Photos: © Helen Oppenheim