Sherri Jessee’s Colorific Doodie Dog -2023

Photos: Sherri Jessee. Collage:
Sherri Jessee a professional hairdresser who owns her own salon – Sherri’s Salon in Bristol, Virginia – has been published the world over with her innovative hair inspirations. Since the pandemic she started photographing her dogs instead of gorgeous models.
One of Sherri’s two beloved Aussie Doodie dogs, Luna, has some spotting on her coat as well as light grey hair on her ears and tail. On the left of this collage, you can see what she looked when she first arrived – long hair on her face and beard, shorter hair on her body.
To make Luna more interesting, Sherri used Opawz Permanent Hair Dyes for professional groomer use, non-toxic, gentle on the pet’s coat and specially formulated for use on dogs and horses. With a regular hair color brush, wearing rubber gloves because the color stains immediately, she first brushed the ready to use no-mixing-needed color on ears and tail in Adorable Pink. Later she played with other color combinations of purple and pink, one time she put multicolored stripes around her dog’s legs. The color, she says, starts out bright but gradually fades to a pastel. To check out what she used, CLICK HERE
Oliver, a Golden Doodie, Sherri’s other adored dog, is a perfect natural blonde so there are no plans to color his hair. “Our Mom @sherrijessee says we are the cutest dogs in all the land”. To see the fun on Oliver and Luna’s Instagram Page, CLICK HERE