Bob Shaded Rose & Chocolate For NAHA – 2021
A rose tone and a deep chocolate create a softness and bold placements on a deconstructed bob. The color was done in slightly off centered quadrants to create a sweeping effect for strong, independent women. This is one stunning photo from The Tilt Collection by Julie Vriesinga, Salon Entrenous, nominated for the North American Hairstylist of the Year (NAHA) Awards, in two of the 14 categories. The Finalist, a Canadian, was voted North American Hairstylist of the Year and Master Stylist of the Year in 2020, quite an achievement winning over all the talented Americans and other Canadians who entered the annual event which will takes place this year on August 29th, 2021 in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Convention Center. Tickets on sale in the Spring at
Hair: Julie Vriesinga, Salon Entrenous, London, Ontario, Canada … Hair Colors: L’Oréal Professionnel … Makeup: Florencia Taylor …Fashion Stylist: Julie Vriesinga … Model:Carrie-Lynn VandenBerg … Photo: Paula Tizzard for PBA/NAHA
Comment11 Raphael 1958
Here is Raphael in 1958. Very early days. He is dressing hair in London, for Alexandre. The hair is really of interest.
This photo and the ones following from Raphael Santarossa’s days in London are from the collection of his brother, Renato Santarossa, a well-known artist. They were sent to me for a 2017 Blog I did on Raphael in Modern Salon. To see it, click HERE
Hair: Raphael Santaross
Photo: Courtesy Renato Santarossa
Comment13 Raphael 1962/63
Party scene in London with flirting blonde with flicks and half-headband by Raphael when he co-owned Raphael and Leonard, 1962/63. The hair as modern now as way back then.
Hair: Raphael 1962/63
Photo: Courtesy Renato Santarosssa
14 Raphael 1962/63
Gamine adoring her hair, and Raphael, when he co-owned Raphael & Leonard in London, 1962/63.
Photo: Courtesy Renato Santarossa