Shine-On Lights – 1974

Posted by on May 15, 2013 in Helen's Blog | 0 comments

Shine-On Lights


More art deco.  With shine-on lights, color just where the light would shine on straight hair.  This idea got more press in all the major magazines at the time than any of the many inspirational stories in La Coupe’s 1974 Art Deco campaign. For more, much more, and how-to’s for color and cuts, go to HairThen, La Coupe, 70s, Art Deco on this website.

Top, and color detail center from NY Sunday News Magazine 2 page spread … left  gold shine-on,  and center bottom,  burgundy shine-on,  photos by Serge Beauchemin.   Photo right, blue shine-on, photo by Lorraine Sylvestre, illustration by Tom Huffman, all  hair by Charles Booth, La Coupe.  Concept/Produced by Helen Oppenheim


