Ancient Egyptian Art Downton Bandeau – 2016
No one does costume like BBC-TV. No one. Anywhere. And what they do can often look very modern, very relevant today. The fashions. The hair. The hair accessories. Well, just about everything. Take Michelle Dockery wearing this ancient Egyptian art-inspired wide bandeau in the Final Series of “Downton Abbey” on PBS-TV. It just makes her and her bob look that more marvelous. The look is so striking in so many scenes of the hit series that the bandeau is hot news. Easy to copy. Just find some similar fabric and tie it on. The final episodes take place between 1925 and 1927 and King Tutankhamen’s tomb, discovered in 1922, influenced everything in the ’20s, from hair to fashion, furniture, jewelry and more, so there could also be a return to deco designs on everything. For two more Downton Bandeaux, some more bandeau ideas archived from my website, and a preview of the series, scroll down …
Photo: PBD Masterpiece Theatre Downton Abbey
CommentDownton Abbey, Bobbed Hair At Last! – 2015
At last! A bobbed haircut has arrived at Downtown Abbey, shown on on PBS-TV last night. Lady Mary (Michelle Dockery) went to her hairdresser, top left, and did it. Love all the wonderful waves but it is time for the ’20s to come roaring in and hair fashion to make its statement, along with all the beautiful hair jewelry and hats, some of which are shown here from the ITV hit series which started in the Edwardian era with such amazing meticulously researched and inspirational fashions. So, who is next? Lady Edith. Will she bob? Or, more likely, it will be Lady Rose. Or will someone downstairs take the step? No spoilers please from the UK, who have seen the series. We in America are still on Series 5.
Photos from, tumblr,, itv, pbs-tv, RadioTimes,, Ruckas/Briggs and unknowns