Rare Vidal Sassoon Mystery Solved – 1979
This rare Vidal Sassoon photo was part of the 1979 Soft Cubism Collection. The hairstyle was inspired by Marlene Dietrich in the 1931 movie “Dishonored” and it was a Modern Marlene version which is a mystery. It was created for a magazine in Los Angeles but the name of the hairdresser, the makeup artist, the model, the photographer and the magazine are unknown. It is the same dress, and accessories as we used in the collection, so I must have sent them to LA. The mystery deepens the more I think of it. If anyone knows who did the hair or any other people involved, please tell. The hair, the model, the photo, everything is lovely. To see more of the Soft Cubism/Modern Marlene photos, and the original Marlene Dietrich photo, CLICK HERE
UPDATE. The hairdresser was Graham Wren, International Art Director of Vidal Sassoon, NY at the time. The model from this 1979 photo just contacted me after seeing this blog archived on my website – in March 2020. Her name was Samantha Jones. And here is what she said: “Hello. I have such wonderful memories about my time with you all. Thank you for my 15 minutes of fame. I was so thrilled when I saw that picture. The name I used then was Samantha Jones.
Sincerely Samantha Severance