Anyone who has seen the China Through The Looking Glass Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art – where East Meets West in Fashion – will remember the opening as you enter. Tseng Kwong Chi and one of his most famous photos from his iconic self-portrait series “East Meets West” series, in which he poses as a Chinese Ambiguous Ambassador in his classic Mao suit and mirrored glasses.
I worked with Tseng both in Montreal for La Coupe and in New York for Vidal Sasoson. He was known as Joseph Tseng then. Photos are on my website. Look what I just found. New Year’s wishes, for 1989, addressed to me just one year before he died in 1990. I have erased addresses but thought you’d like to see it. For more of the exhibition, open to midnight September 4 and 5, closing on September 7, click HERE
Photos: © Tseng Kwong Chi