Posted by on Sep 26, 2013 in Helen's Blog | 0 comments


Why do so many wear their hair behind their ears?  It suits and works for some, but is all too often downright unflattering. Not as sexy as most think for many. I used to wear my hair behind both of my ears –  until I looked at myself in a shop window one day, and thought, omg, I wear my hair like this to work, to walk, to eat – because I couldn’t see with hair in my eyes.  And it just didn’t suit me. At all.   Solution?  Bangs.  Even half bangs.  I never have to wear my hair behind my ears anymore.  And my hair looks more modern than an all-one-length style.  Take note, hair falling all over the face may look great with a hairdresser hovering over you in the salon or in a photograph, but the look doesn’t work for living a beautiful life day in and day out. – and being able to see.  (For more WHY? blogs, put WHY? in Search above right.)

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